
  • The polygamma functions, denoted as (\( \psi^{n}\left( z \right) \)), are mathematical functions that are extensions of the digamma function (\( \psi\left( z \right) \)), also known as the psi or di-gamma function. The digamma function is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function (\( \Gamma\left( z \right) \)), which is a widely used function in mathematics and has applications in various fields.


Calculates the Digamma function with its series representation. The Digamma function is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function (\( \Gamma\left( z \right) \)).


  • z: The number for which the Digamma function will be calculated.


The Digamma function of the given number.


\[ \psi\left( z \right)=\frac{d }{dz}\Gamma\left( z \right)=\frac{\Gamma'\left( z \right)}{\Gamma\left( z \right)} \]


use ferrate::special::Polygamma;         

fn main() {                               
    let z = 2_f64;                        
    let digamma = Polygamma::digamma(z);  
    println!("The Digamma Function of {} is: {}", z, digamma);

Executes as:

>>> The Digamma Function of 2 is: 0.42278438084235914


Calculates the Polygamma function with its series representation. The Polygamma function is the (\( m \))-th derivative of the Digamma function (\( \psi\left( z \right) \)).


  • degree: The degree of the Polygamma function. This is the (\( m \)) in (\( \psi^{m}\left( z \right) \)).
  • z: The number for which the Polygamma function will be calculated.


The Polygamma function of the given number.


\[ \psi^{\left( m \right)}\left( z \right):=\frac{d^{m}}{dz^{m}}\psi\left( z \right)=\left( -1 \right)^{\left( m+1 \right)}m!\sum_{k=0}^{\infty }\frac{1}{\left( z+k \right)^{m+1}}\qquad m\gt 1 \]

\[ \psi^{-1}\left( z \right)=\int\psi\left( z \right)=\text{ln}\Gamma\left( z \right) \]


use ferrate::special::Polygamma;                
fn main() {                                  
    let degree = 0;                                 
    let z = 5_f64;                                  
    let polygamma = Polygamma::polygamma(degree, z);

    println!("The Polygamma Function of {} at degree {} is: {}", z, degree, polygamma);                                                

Executes as:

>>> The Polygamma Function of 5 at degree 0 is: 1.5061177964312848